Good idea, epically about not been in a panic to post it.

I would suggest running the stream for at least the entire time the
world is in the new year day. So at least 26 Hours.

Officially Starting 2016-12-31T10:00:00Z
Officially Ending   2017-01-01T12:00:00Z

I suggest we bring up the streams way before that and let it run way
after that.

The event is over a weekend so people should be more available than when
there is work.


On 2016-11-30 17:04, Kevin Wisher wrote:
> I supplied the stream last year. Ken can just copy the stream link from
> <>.
> Kevin Wisher
> K.W. Design Computer
> Consulting Service
> 765.438.2037
> On Nov 30, 2016 10:34 AM, "honkey Magoo" <
> <>> wrote:
>     So its that time again. Time for the HPR new years eve show.
>     I emailed John Neusteter about using his mumble server (the same one
>     we use for the the hpr community news)
> <> port 64747
>     For show notes I emailed Thaj again and he agreed to let us use his
>     ehtarpad 
>     <>
>     For the stream last year I believe Ken set that up something through
>     the HPR site. If it is not possible to do again Kevin Wisher has
>     volunteered his stream. 
>     Also last year there was some last minute changes to the start and
>     end time. I have no real preference when it comes to the time. I'll
>     start a recording at any time. Just let me know what people think
>     asap because I would like to get the word out through G+ and promos,
>     and any other way people can think of. 
>     So same as last year I will do the editing and the posting. If
>     anyone would like to pitch in with taking show notes or an alternate
>     recording I would appreciate it greatly. I would appreciate any
>     help. I will not be reserving any slots I will try to get it out
>     asap, but it seems like in the past some of the anxiety behind the
>     new years eve show comes from trying to get it out asap or trying to
>     keep someone on and the conversation going for the full 24 hrs. I am
>     not planning to be on for the full 24 hrs. I will be in as much as I
>     possibly can. The recording will be running the whole time if there
>     are people in the mumble channel talking or not. Truncate silence
>     will take care of the dead air, and I don't care if we only get 4
>     hrs or conversation out of a 24 hr recording, the conversations had
>     on the "HPR New Years Eve Show" have made for some of the best
>     podcast listening I have ever heard. That is why I keep pushing for
>     the new years eve show.
>     So please let me know what you think is a good starting and ending
>     time. Please let others know that we are doing it again this year,
>     and please join us on mumble new years eve and join in the conversation.
>     Thank you
>     Honkeymagoo        
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Ken Fallon

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