Hi Dave

I think it's an excellent idea. How difficult can it be for show hosts to come 
up with a few suitable tags? Apart from anything else, the whole ethos of HPR 
is that there is no censorship beyond that which the hosts impose upon 
themselves. Consequently the preparatory workflow should never require "HPR 
Volunteer" or anybody else to listen to a show before it is released.

Can I suggest also that the form has no default for "Clean" or "Explicit", but 
the user if forced to select one or the other. That way the hosts will have to 
actively consider which flag is appropriate. I rarely find that any HPR episode 
tagged as "Explicit" actually contains anything that even your grandma could 
find the slightest bit offensive. If episodes are routinely over-classified, 
the classification loses its usefulness.


Nige (aka Beeza)

From: Hpr <hpr-boun...@hackerpublicradio.org> on behalf of Dave Morriss 
Sent: 03 March 2019 22:07
To: hpr@hackerpublicradio.org
Subject: [Hpr] A proposed change to the show upload form

Hi Everyone,

As you'll be aware, there's a field on the form asking for tags for your
show. The intention is this metadata will be used to help in searching
for show topics once we have redesigned the underlying database. It can
currently be used to find stuff on archive.org because I copy our tags
there too when I upload shows.

If you don't add tags this means that an "HPR Volunteer" has to add
them. Mostly that's me; I need to check the show notes, and listen to
the show to make (what I hope are) suitable tag choices, and the way I
have arranged things I need to do this before uploading the show to
archive.org because I need the tags to pass to them.

At the time of writing there are five new shows in the queue without
tags for which I'll have to be the "tag giver" before archive.org gets
them ;-)

The proposed change is to make the tag field on the upload form
mandatory - in order that show contributors can be reminded to provide
tags at upload time.

I'd like to get some feedback from the HPR Community about whether this
change should go ahead. Please reply to the list. Silence will be
interpreted as "sure, fine, go ahead"!


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