On 21-04-24 20:02, BK Navarette wrote:
> Funny, why does the blog writer not do  show? Give an example of quality. Or
> if they are shy use espeak or a volunteer to read i out, I'd be willing to
> help with either.
> Brian-in-ohio

Hello, I'm the author of the post.

I regret writing this post in hindsight. 'Quality' was a bad choice of 
words. I also enjoy the DIY rawness of HPR and I certainly don't want it
to be more polished, in some professional sense. I've should have
replaced 'quality' with 'to my subjective interest' or something along
those lines.

The main point was to bring up the question of perhaps keeping empty 
slots empty. As a non-contributing listener it's not my place to try to
impose my ideas on the project. Therefor I choose to post it on a
personal blog rather than, for example in this mailing list.

As for the reason I'm not submitting a shining example of a quality
show I've been a listener since at least hpr0980 :: Broadband for Rural 
North and I've considered this many times and attempted it a few but I'm
terrible at podcasting and after this I don't want to be known as the
asshole who complained about HPR quality but still submits shows.

It was not my intent to offend anyone and I regret my choice of words. 
I have huge respect for all of the contributors and I want to apologize 
to all of you. I'm sorry.

All the best

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