I have a boost::fiber + Asio (among other things) application I was thinking of 
switching to HPX. Is this something HPX would be suitable for? I know HPX uses 
Asio under the hood, but I can’t find any examples of direct HPX + Asio. HPX 
obviously makes extensive use of futures and fiber suspension/resumption but I 
also don’t see examples of async_result functionality similar to:

auto myfuture = socket.async_send(buffer, hpx::use_future); or
auto bytes = socket.async_send(buffer, hpx::yield);

Asio’s chained continuation code model is bonkers, which is why I like this 
synchronous-appearing code style which boost fibers enable.

I am also looking at HPX as a replacement for MPI, which I see is a major use 
case for HPX, but it isn’t really clear to me how to map MPI idioms to HPX. For 
example, a distributed merge sort or radix sort.
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