
I'm Nikunj Gupta.
I have quite a bit of working knowledge on many programming languages and
have worked on projects but haven't worked on the open source front yet.
I would like to start my open source journey through hpx.

I'm interested in implementing "Coroutine-like Interface" and "Adding
Lustre Backend to hpxio" as my GSoC 2018 Projects. I'm interested and
enthusiastic about working with an international team of developers on the
cutting edge of C++ parallel, task-based runtime systems.

P.S: Please assign issue #3124
<https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/issues/3124> to me.

Nikunj Gupta
1st Year B.Tech (Computer Sci. Engg. )
IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Roorkee
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