
I have just come across your pending post on the 
site and have copied it here to our mailing list for others to see and 

Hi there.

First, I am super grateful to you guys. thanks for creating such a 
needed library.
I have been trying to set up HPX 1.2.0 on windows (Win 10, MSVC2017) for 
the last few days. tried different build options etc.
I managed to make it run, yet I have a performance problem even in a 
quite basic example – HPX runtime seem to consume unexplainably lot of 
CPU. So, a simple process, which initialises HPX runtime and goes to 
sleep runs at 90% CPU (the whole system massively slows down) in debug 
mode and 20-50% CPU with a release build. I have tried HPX 1.2.0 and 
1.1.0 manually built with default options (w/o tests and examples), 
latest boost, hwloc 1.1.0. I also tried vcpkg version of HPX 1.1.0. Both 
release and debug builds of HPX – same behaviour in all versions.

It does not matter how I initialise the HPX – using hpx::init, 
hpx::start or hpx_main. I do not pass any custom parameters to HPX. 
Although, if I set hpx:threads 1, then it runs ok, but obviously in one 

below is one of the code versions which causes problems

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return hpx::init(argc, argv);
int hpx_main(int argc, char* argv[])
return hpx::finalize();

Could you help me figure out why HPX is so hungry for resources, while 
it does nothing?

Thank you very much in advance


Adrian Serio
Scientific Program Coordinator
2118 Digital Media Center

hpx-users mailing list

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