The STE||AR Group is proud to announce the release of HPX 1.4.0!

This is a big release! We've added numerous new features, continued work on 
modularizing and making HPX lighter, and all-round improved usability, 
stability, and performance. Thank you to everyone in the STE||AR Group and all 
the volunteers who have provided fixes, opened issues, and improved 

Download the release from our release 
page<>. Please note that we will 
not be providing downloads from or 

The highlights of this release are:

  *   We've added collectives, resiliency, and component checkpointing.
  *   HPX now has support for stackless threads that can be used to reduce task 
overheads in situations where a task never needs to be suspended.
  *   We've continued modularizing HPX and have in the process improved 
compilation speed with networking turned off and made compiled Boost libraries 
optional in some configurations.

Please see our release 
 for a full list of changes as they contain important information on 
deprecations and breaking changes. If you have any questions, comments, or 
exploits to report you can reach us on IRC (#stellar on Freenode), or email us 
at<>. We 
depend on your input!
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