At 7:54 AM -0500 10/26/00, Phil King wrote:
>I have two 18GB drives that I am using for a search project.
>I want to split the files for htdig up so that it uses both drives and does
>not just fill up one and not the other.

This would be very tricky. The largest files, naturally, are the 
databases themselves. While you can set the locations of individual 
databases, IMHO this would be a maintenance nightmare. (Even if you 
had symlinks to remind you where the other files were.) Of course if 
your project requires more than one set of databases, it would be 
much easier (and logical) to split them.

If you do want to split the databases, I'd probably put the word 
databases on one drive and the document databases on the other.

See <> -- there's a configuration 
attribute for each database, along with database_base and 
database_dir for setting parts of them all at once.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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