On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, Brian W. Spolarich wrote:

>   start_url:  https://myserver:443/
>   Now I connect but I see eventually that htdig tries to index:
> New server: myserver, 80

Keep in mind that it's not my code. But my guess is that it's trying to
get the robots.txt file (in Server.cc). In the 3.1.x code, this is done
through HTTP and so your redirect to HTTPS is just going to confuse
things. Since I haven't seen the patch, I don't know if they handled this
as well.

Since you're already patching the code, you can decide how you want to
handle this. If you don't have a robots.txt file on your server, you can
probably just cut out some of that code.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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