At 7:14 PM -0500 11/7/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Do the .wordlist files, created by htdig, serve any useful purpose once they
>have been input to htmerge?

They are used in two cases:
1) They are used by htmerge to merge databases.
2) They are used (if available) by htdig for "update" runs.

>If the database created by htmerge is later merged with another database, is
>it necessary to read the .wordlist files at this time?  (I suspect not, since
>the information ought to be in the .words.db).

It's actually much easier in the 3.1 code to read the .wordlist files 
because of the format of the words DB.

>More-or-less-related, why is the reported database size, at the end of the
>htmerge stats, significantly higher than the sum of (space occupied by)
>.words.db, .docdb, .docs.index, and .wordlist?

This is a sum of the document sizes (including markup). The size of 
your databases will vary considerably, esp. if you have a large 
max_head_size and store almost all of your documents as excerpts.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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