According to Jun Dong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Thanks for your tips.
> In Slackware 7.0 Packages there is no files of LC_CTYPE , LC_* etc.. under
> /usr/lib/locale/de or deutsch.
> Under /usr/lib/locale/de is only Directory LC_MESSAGES.
> I have copied directory de_DE which includs all files LC_* from SUSE 6.2 to
> SLACKWARE /usr/lib/locale und made symblolink de -> de_DE.
> With your code,  after the code compiIed, I give command testlocale
> de
> and the screen prints out exactly german accents with Umlaut.
> But unfortunately Htdig is always no function with german accents despite how I
> exactly
> configured Htdig.conf. This is really system problem from Slackware.

The problem with copying from a different system is that the C library
may be different, and therefore may require a different set of file
formats for locale support.  This was the case in the transition from
libc5 to glibc.  However, if testlocale.c did recognize the German
umlauts as alphanumeric, then it would suggest that things are mostly
working correctly.  I don't know why, but there are a few systems where
this test program works, but htdig's locale support doesn't.  I don't
know what else to point the finger at besides the C library, though.

> In other way I have found the Tips from:
> I have modified and again and recompiled Htdig and no more
> definition
> with locakle again. Finally Htdig with german accents is successfully installed.
> you can find the url where I installed Htdig:

The problem with the patch is that it ends up stripping
off all accents by converting all accented letters in the ISO-8859-1
character set to their unaccented counterparts.  So, the excerpts won't
contain the accents.  While this isn't as nice as the accents.5 patch,
which adds accent support as a new fuzzy match method, the patch you
used is at least better than nothing for a system that doesn't properly
support locales.

> Gilles Detillieux wrote:
> > I believe there are still problems with locale support on Slackware Linux
> > systems.  See the thread entitled "Portuguese" from this past May:
> >
> >
> >
> > I never did get a followup message from Rodrigo indicating whether he had
> > found a solution, but you may want to try the tips I gave him.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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