On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, David Gewirtz wrote:

> * Is there a way to tell what files got chomped by the fsck and have 
> lost+found nodes?

Nope. That's why they're "lost and found." You can, however, take a look
at what's in there.

> * Is there a way to check a log for htdig?

Not unless you were writing one as part of the task. For example, many
people have a cron job that runs htdig/htmerge and sends the results as a
mail message. This would usually involve a temporary file, which you could

> * Is an fsck -f -y good enough, or should I reformat and reinstall the hard 
> drive?

fsck is usually just fine. If you see repeated disk problems, then you may
want to do a reformatting with options to get rid of bad sectors. With the
current prices of disks, it's also a reasonable option to just buy a new
disk if there seem to be media problems.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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