I have a database that is as follows in size...

265942016       db.docdb
77686784                db.docdb.work
11092992                db.docs.index
12362752                db.metaphone.db
9239552         db.soundex.db
474692399               db.wordlist
134800983               db.wordlist.work
377980928               db.words.db

Granted, this is probably a good sizes dbase.
The problem is the amount of time it takes for a return on a search. Searches can take
about 10 seconds or more to return and this is with only one user searching.

Are there some tips on how to speed these searches up? While this might or might not 
be a
large dbase to some, it is only a tiny fraction of what I will be indexing.

Any feedback would be most appreciated.


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