
I am having a problem with htdig 3.0.8b2 which is the version that we have
impletemented into our environment.  Currently everything is working
properly for a particular site except for a quirk with the search.  Only 
when doing a search for two specific words "desert" and/or "sun" htdig
returns an error of "Document contains no data".  Those words are
deffinately in the wordlist.  In fact they are in there many many times as
both are contained in the url for the site.  I have not found any excludes
for those words and I don't think that would created this error anyway.
Is it possible those words could just be found too many times and that is
causing a problem?  Any input would be appreciated.


Brett Meiggs                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
InfiNet Systems Administrator      www.infi.net

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