
Well I found my problem.. one of the email lists my company 
had a bunch of binary data going to it that kept getting 
encoded into the html page for somereason. I will have to
figure out why they are doing this but it looks like
htdig was choking on it. I just reran everything from scratch..
took and 1 1/2 hours to do everything:) A lot better then 
52 hours! heheh.. Hoepfully an update dig should be well 
under an hour.. I will find out tommorrow night.

Thanks for your assistance.. Mike

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Archive User wrote:

> > Do you mean 300 lists * 110,000 messages, or do you mean 110,000 
> > messages total?
> 110k total
> > Yes, that's about what I'd expect myself. I'm assuming you're 
> > updating alternate files when you talk about an "update dig." Have 
> > you tried blowing away the alternates and reindexing them from 
> > scratch? Basically what I'm saying is to keep your existing databases 
> > in place and generating a new set from scratch. Are they faster? (in 
> > which case there's something wrong with the databases perhaps) Or is 
> > it the same (in which case there's a general slowdown you're seeing 
> > now)
> whether I do a rundig from scratch (destroy all the files)
> or do an updatedig on a already established version it 
> takes equally long. 
> >Also, have you set the server_wait_time attribute or anything of that
> >sort?
> I dont think so.. I am basically running a default apache setup 
> with php4 compiled in. 
> Mike
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