On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Juergen Peus wrote:

>     the "&" gets not recognized by htsearch...

This is correct. At the moment, only and, or, and not operators are

>     So what i need is the possibility the restrict htsearch to only
>     search within the headers/titles/text and nowhere else...

This is what we usually term "field-restricted" searching. In the 3.1.x
code (and before), this is not possible except by the means you described.
In the 3.2 code, the scoring factors can be set on-the-fly for htsearch,
which minimizes the pain somewhat. But while the 3.2 code keeps track of
where words were found, at the moment there isn't any htsearch code to
restrict searches in this manner.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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