On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Ronald Edward Petty wrote:

> I did use it and it works fine.  What library of libstdc++ should be used?

Gilles mentioned that this is not particularly the proper place for these
questions. We just don't stay up-to-date on various compiler issues, while
not surprisingly, the gcc mailing list does.

> I believe mine is using 2.8.1.  SHould it be using 2.95.2 or whatever it

You should most definitely be using libstdc++ 2.95.2 because that's the
version that comes with the compiler you say you're using.

I'll echo it one more time for good measure--these and other gcc
configuration/installation questions are better off asked on the gcc
mailing list or newsgroups. See for example, <http://gcc.gnu.org/>

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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