oh... they are on the server.. my test machine is all messes up.  I
compiled it just fine on the server.  But moved it back to my test machine
to see if i could just learn how to use it.  In other words i wanna see
how many files are made , used etc, where....etc  before i use it on our
main servers.  But my test machine wont run htdig or anything because it
cant find um ld.o.1 or whatever it is(im home now i forgot the lib it was
looking for)... maybe i can use this as an excuse to get a new machine :)

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Geoff Hutchison wrote:

> At 5:51 PM -0500 1/17/01, Ronald Edward Petty wrote:
> >This machine is not the one that it was compiled on, so that could be part
> >of it.
> Solaris has some somewhat strange ways of loading shared libraries
> and you're seeing the error messages from this. If you don't have
> libstdc++ (and any other libraries you linked in), you'll need to
> install them on this server too. You'll also probably need to set the
> environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include these libraries if
> they're in different locations than on the compiling machine.
> --
> -Geoff Hutchison
> Williams Students Online
> http://wso.williams.edu/

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