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Fringe Mail THuRsdaY, JaNuaRY o4, 2ooi
  In this edition:
  • South African woman kept 1,000 rats at home
  • Yummy! Ukraine company peddles chocolate-dipped pork fat
  • Taiwan's pets out of the frying pan at last
  • Singapore considering SEX license plates
  • South African woman kept 1,000 rats at home

    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Police and city health officials were shocked to find more than 1,000 rats being kept as pets by a woman in her house.

    "It was weird. She had names for the rats and they really seemed to listen to her when she spoke to them. They were like her children," a police spokesperson told Reuters.

    DoN'T Be a RaT
    CLiCK FoR MoRe oN THaT

    Yummy! Ukraine company peddles chocolate-dipped pork fat

    KIEV, Ukraine -- Dubbed "Fat in Chocolate," a Ukraine candy company has come up with the ultimate fatty candy bar: pure pork fat covered in chocolate.

    A spokeman for the company says the candy was made to poke fun at the Ukraine's national symbol of salo, or salted pork fat.

    You GoT YouR PoRK iN My CHoCoLaTe

    Taiwan's pets out of the frying pan at last

    TAIPEI, Taiwan -- On Tuesday, the Taiwanese legislature banned the selling or butchering of "fragrant meat" (aka dog meat).

    Offenders can be fined as much as 10,000 Taiwan dollars ($300 U.S.). The law also protects cats and guards against the mistreatment of stray animals.

    CLiCK, uBu, CLiCK
    GooD DoG

    Singapore considering SEX license plates

    SINGAPORE -- Within the next couple of years, the letters "SEX" could begin to appear on car license plates in Singapore.

    The Land Transport Authority that administers the plates has not yet made a decision on whether or not to skip the SEX series. A survey by a television station there found six in 10 people hope they keep it.


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