I have to send a xml stream to a destination and log into a FORM based login 

I analyzed the Sourcecode of the login page and thats the result:


<form method="post" action="/names.nsf?Login" name="_DominoForm">
<input type="hidden" name="%%ModDate" value="000BF36800070000"> 
<input name="httpcookie" type="hidden" value="CHANGING_SESSION_ID">

<input type=hidden name="pval" value="URL">
<input type=hidden name="db" value="URL">
<input type=hidden name="tct" value="Default">
<input type=hidden name="tct2" value="">
<input type=hidden name="tct3" value="">
<input type=hidden name="tcten" value="__main__">

<input type=hidden name="tcten2" value="">
<input type=hidden name="tcten3" value="">


Username<br><input name="Username" value="" size=17 maxlength=50 
Password<br><input name="Password" value="" type="password" size=17 
maxlength=50 onkeypress="var keyCode = document.layers ? event.which : 
document.all ? event.keyCode : event.keyCode;

if (checkuser() == false) { return false }
}" class="psmall"><br>
<a class=textlink href="#" onclick="if (checkuser() == false) { return false 
};document.forms[0].submit()"><u>Log on again</u></a><br>

</TABLE><input type=hidden name="redirectto" value="OTHERURL">
<input type="submit" value="Log in"></noscript>


First I filled the input tags in corresponding NamValuePair Objects an added 
them with post.setRequestBody( new NameValuePair[] {...}= to the postMethod. 
After that I tried to add the input parameters with post.setParamaters(...).
Nothing worked for me. Any tips how I can login? Could I have got issues 
because there is a lot of javascript on the login page?

I hope you could help me

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