On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:08 -0800, Raul Acevedo wrote:
> Is there a way to do client authentication with HttpClient without
> setting javax.net.ssl.keyStore?
> I tried the following code after building the contrib files:
>     HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
>     URL keyStoreURL = new URL("file:/home/raul/keyStore.jks");
>     URL trustStoreURL = new URL("file:/home/raul/trustStore.jks");
>     AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory socketFactory =
>         new AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory(
>                 keyStoreURL, "keyStorePassword", trustStoreURL, 
> "trustStorePassword");
>     Protocol httpsProtocol = new Protocol(url.getProtocol(), socketFactory, 
> url.getPort());
>     httpClient.getHostConfiguration().setHost(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), 
> httpsProtocol);
> But this fails with:
>     java.net.SocketException: Default SSL context init failed: null
> Thanks,
> Raul Acevedo
> http://www.cantara.com


(1) Keystore is optional. You can safely omit it.
(2) Implement a custom trust manager that trusts anything. This way you
will not need a truststore.
(3) Implement your own protocol socket factory that initializes the SSL
context with your own trust-anything trust manager. You can use
EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory as a starting point.

Hope this helps,


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