On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 08:14:48PM +0200, Joan Balaguer? Valls wrote:
> Hello Oleg,
> I?m trying to send cookies to a servlet with a simple app. Following the
> tutorial:
> HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();
> CookieStore cookieStore  = new BasicCookieStore();
> BasicClientCookie stdCookie = new BasicClientCookie("name", "value");
> stdCookie.setVersion(1);
> stdCookie.setDomain(".mycompany.com");
> stdCookie.setPath("/");
> stdCookie.setSecure(true);
> // Set attributes EXACTLY as sent by the server 
> stdCookie.setAttribute(ClientCookie.VERSION_ATTR, "1");
> stdCookie.setAttribute(ClientCookie.DOMAIN_ATTR, ".mycompany.com");
>  cookieStore.addCookie(stdCookie);
>  localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);
>  HttpEntity entity = objHttp.execute(objPost, localContext).getEntity();
> This does not work (at least for me). To work, you need to add:
> stdCookie.setAttribute(ClientCookie.PATH, "/");
> If I forget any of the ?set? statement, or any of the ?setAttribute?
> statement, it does not work.
> The question is: Why have we to set twice the components of the
> ?BasicClientCookie?, the first using ?stdCookie.set? and the second using
> ?stdCookie.setAttribute??
> And should I set ?ClientCookie.SECURE_ATTR? and ?ClientCookie.MAX_AGE_ATTR?
> ?


This is because some cookies set domain / path / port attributes explicitly,
while some do not, in which case values of those attributes are derived from
the properties of the origin server.

Consider the following example:

  stuff="very important"; path="/"; domain="myhost.mydomain.com"; version=1
  stuff="very important"; version=1

These two cookies are obviously different but they essentially represent the
same piece of state information if sent in response to a request for

> And the second part: when the servlet receives this cookie, it is resent to
> another servlet using the same sequence of operations. But debugging, one
> can see that the cookie is not added to the cookieStore (the sentence
> ?cookieStore.addCookie(stdCookie);? does not add anything to ?cookieStore?).

A cookie does not get added to the cookie store only if it has expired.

Hope this helps


> Can you help me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Joan.

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