On 2/17/14 1:12 AM, "Oleg Kalnichevski" <ol...@apache.org> wrote:

>On Fri, 2014-02-14 at 21:15 +0000, Kiran Chitturi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using http client 4.3.2 and I have a few questions.
>> 1)  I am making lot of concurrent requests to a server. When creating
>>requests, I want to debug and check which ports are newly created by the
>>client. Currently, I can see the ports in netstat as pasted below.
>> tcp4       0      0
>> I enabled the debug logging for MainClientExec class and it gives me
>>the below information. Here it does not exactly tell me what is the
>>source port that is being used for the connection. How can I use this ?
>>Also, whenever MainClientExec prints the below line, does it mean a new
>>connection is created with a new port or an existing port is being used ?
>> 2014-02-14 13:01:01 DEBUG MainClientExec:217 - Opening connection
>Please raise a JIRA for this change request. I'll try to include it into
>the upcoming 4.3.3 release.

I opened a JIRA at HTTPClient-1462

>> 2) My code looks like this for creating a http Client. I pass the
>>client to 
>>which uses this client to make requests. SolrJ makes requests to a Solr
>>     HttpClientBuilder httpBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
>>     Builder socketConfig =  SocketConfig.custom();
>>     socketConfig.setSoReuseAddress(true);
>>     httpBuilder.setDefaultSocketConfig(socketConfig.build());
>>     httpBuilder.setMaxConnTotal(100);
>>     httpBuilder.setMaxConnPerRoute(100);
>>     httpBuilder.disableRedirectHandling();
>>     httpBuilder.useSystemProperties();
>>     final CloseableHttpClient httpClient = httpBuilder.build();
>> This httpClient created above also throws some exceptions. Can I assume
>>retry is successful and does this happen because I enabled
>>socketReuseAddress ?
>HttpClient should propagate I/O exceptions to the caller which it is
>unable to re-try. If your code is not catching any exceptions it should
>be safe to assume requests have been successfully re-tried.
>> 2014-02-14 12:53:21,415 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-59:RetryExec@93] - I/O exception
>>(java.net.SocketException) caught when processing request: Address
>>already in use
>> 2014-02-14 12:53:21,443 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-59:RetryExec@106] - Retrying request
>> 2014-02-14 12:53:47,299 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-203:RetryExec@93] - I/O exception
>>(java.net.SocketException) caught when processing request: Address
>>already in use
>> 2014-02-14 12:53:47,327 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-203:RetryExec@106] - Retrying request
>> 2014-02-14 12:54:24,740 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-263:RetryExec@93] - I/O exception
>>(java.net.SocketException) caught when processing request: Address
>>already in use
>> 2014-02-14 12:54:24,763 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-263:RetryExec@106] - Retrying request
>> 2014-02-14 12:54:39,121 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-142:RetryExec@93] - I/O exception
>>(java.net.SocketException) caught when processing request: Address
>>already in use
>> 2014-02-14 12:54:39,157 - INFO  [CloudSolrServer
>>ThreadPool-1-thread-142:RetryExec@106] - Retrying request
>> Please let me know your suggestions.
>> Many Thanks for your help,
>> --
>> Kiran Chitturi,
>> Software Engineer,
>> LucidWorks.
>> Cell Phone: 540-577-4852
>> Office Phone: 650-249-4452
>> Email: kiran.chitt...@lucidworks.com
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