

Migration from 4.1 to 4.3 is finished. Just some questions about certain


1.       For performance, is it recommended to set true to ‘setTcpNoDelay’
and false to ‘setStaleConnectionCheckEnabled’? I tried several combinations
in my stress tests and I don’t see any significance difference.


2.       What does the “RequestConfig.custom().setAuthenticationEnabled()”
refers to?


3.       And HttpClients.custom().disableAuthCaching() and


4.       The HttpClients.custom().disableCookieManagement() is equivalent to
tp.removeResponseInterceptorByClass(ResponseProcessCookies.class);” in 4.1.?



I’ve noticed an improvement of between 8-10% in the number of requests that
4.3. can process compared with 4.1. In addition, it seems the garbage
generated by 4.3. is less than 4.1 (the time between young generations is at
least slightly greater with 4.3).


So, congratulations. Good work !



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