
I had a go with 4.4-b1.

I need to generate a header similar the following:

Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/soap+xml";

I achieved that by doing a

HttpEntity reqEntity =

It would be nice if one could add parameters (e.g. "type" in my scenario,
"start" is another one) in a cleaner way.

In addition it would be nice if one could better control the headers at the
entity level. For instance, it is necessary to be able to add
the Content-ID header in order to create a valid SOAP with attachments

Right now I use
.addPart("attachment", attachment)

but the "name" parameter (i.e. attachment) makes no sense when it comes to
SOAP (Content-Disposition header is not used at all).

It think it would be better with an api that looks something like this:

ContentBody attachment = new InputStreamBody(inputStream,
contentType).addHeader("Content-ID", "uuid").addHeader(...);



2014-12-02 11:03 GMT+01:00 Oleg Kalnichevski <ol...@apache.org>:

> On Tue, 2014-12-02 at 10:48 +0100, Stefan Magnus Landrø wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I see the MultipartEntityBuilder is rather limited in functionality (I'm
> > trying to create a soap with attachments request - EBMS style)
> >
> > For instance, it is currently impossible to set the subtype.
> Please have a look at the latest 4.4. It is possible as of 4.4b1.
> >  There are
> > other missing features too.
> >
> > Is it ok to provide pull request over at github?
> >
> It always is.
> Oleg
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