On Thu, 2015-04-23 at 09:41 +0800, qustmrhu...@163.com wrote:
> Hi,i use PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager with httpclient4.4 .
> I see the code in MainClientExec.java,but i can't understand .
> The respone entity is always not null and is stream,so the releaseConnection 
> method cant be invoked always.
>  final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); 
> if (entity == null || !entity.isStreaming()) { 
> // connection not needed and (assumed to be) in re-usable state 
> connHolder.releaseConnection(); 
> return new HttpResponseProxy(response, null); 
> } else { 
> return new HttpResponseProxy(response, connHolder); 
> }
> I have see the link
> http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-4.3.x/tutorial/html/advanced.html#stateful_conn
> In my program ,I did  not visit https website.
> My code 
>   for (int i=0;i<2;i++){ 
>             new Thread(new Runnable() { 
>                       public void run() { 
>                                SendFile.test("http://tool.chinaz.com/";, 
> "start"); 
>                                try { 
>                                         .sleep(1000); 
>                                         } catch (InterruptedException e) { 
>                                             // TODO Auto-generated catch 
> block 
>                                         e.printStackTrace(); 
>                                         } 
>                                 } 
>                                     }).start(); 
> }
> public static void test(String url, String functionname) { 
> HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); 
> CloseableHttpClient client = httpClient; 
> CloseableHttpResponse r = null; 
> try { 
> r = client.execute(post, HttpClientContext.create()); 
> HttpEntity entity = r.getEntity(); 
> entity.getContent(); 
> } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { 
> e.printStackTrace(); 
> } catch (IOException e) { 
> e.printStackTrace(); 
> } finally { 
> } 
> }
> private static PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new 
> PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(); 
> private static CloseableHttpClient httpClient; 
> static { 
> cm.setMaxTotal(200); 
> cm.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(2); 
> RequestConfig defaultRequestConfig = RequestConfig.custom() 
> .setSocketTimeout(10000).setConnectTimeout(10000) 
> .setConnectionRequestTimeout(50000).build(); 
> httpClient = HttpClients.custom() 
> .setDefaultRequestConfig(defaultRequestConfig) 
> .setConnectionManager(cm).build(); 
> } 
> The log output is here .
> - http-outgoing-1 << HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Cache-Control: public 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Content-Encoding: gzip 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Expires: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 03:50:27 GMT 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 
> - http-outgoing-1 << X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 03:20:27 GMT 
> - http-outgoing-1 << Content-Length: 8507 
> - Connection can be kept alive indefinitely
> Any help in this issue would be much appreciated. 
> Thanks
> mrhuang

I am not quite sure I understand the issue. You should not even be using
#releaseConnection in the first place. It is provided for compatibility
with HC 3.x. You should always close CloseableHttpResponse in a
try-finally or try-with-resources.


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