Thanks, that was what I was looking for.  However, a few things...
First, it seems the arguments have changed a bit since that was written.

I fixed this by creating a HttpContext with : HttpContext context = 
I then created a quick CallbackHandler for testing:
                FutureCallback<MyHandler> callback = new 
FutureCallback<MyHandler>() {
                        public void completed(MyHandler t) {
                                System.err.println("Here: completed");
                        public void failed(Exception excptn) {
                                System.err.println("Here: failed");
                        public void cancelled() {

Second, I get an error.  I think the problem is in MinimalHttpAsyncClient on 
line 229.  It creates the HttpHost, but there is no opportunity to send in a 
port.  This results in:

        at org.apache.hc.core5.util.Args.notNegative(
        at org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpRoute.<init>(
        at org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpRoute.<init>(


Mark Claassen
Senior Software Engineer

Donnell Systems, Inc.
130 South Main Street
Leighton Plaza Suite 375
South Bend, IN  46601
Voice: (574)232-3784
Fax: (574)232-4014

The opinions provided herein do not necessarily state or reflect 
those of Donnell Systems, Inc.(DSI). DSI makes no warranty for and 
assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the posting. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Oleg Kalnichevski <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 2:45 AM
To: HttpClient User Discussion <>
Subject: Re: HttpClient 5

On Wed, 2018-04-04 at 21:01 +0000, Mark A. Claassen wrote:
> I am finally getting chance to start with HttpClient 5 and HTTP/2.  I 
> am currently using 4.4.
> I am first trying to do a relatively simple port, meaning that I am 
> trying to keep as much of the existing code as I can.  I already have 
> an internal API that reads the entity objects from the 
> CloseableHttpResponse, so I am trying to get something that looks as 
> close to that as possible.
> Looking at the examples, I think I need to use the Async client for 
> HTTP/2.  I created a CloseableHttpAsyncClient which I can call execute 
> on and get a SimpleHttpResponse.  However, this object doesn't give me 
> anything I can easily convert to an input stream, just things like 
> getText() and getBytes().  Getting an input stream is pretty 
> fundamental to my internal API, so not being able to get that is going 
> to make my job quite a bit more difficult.
> If I use a different call to execute() and get a ResponseConsumer, it 
> looks like I can do more stream like things, but seems like a lot for 
> the little I want.
> I certainly still need to poor over the examples ore and try to figure 
> all this out.  However, a nudge in the right direction would be 
> extremely appreciated.
> Thanks!

Hi Mark

Classic client APIs in HttpClient 5.0 will give you very similar, mostly 
compatible APIs with HttpClient 4.x but no HTTP/2. 

If you want to utilize HTTP/2 you should be using async APIs provided by 
HttpClient 5.0. HttpAsyncClient is perfectly capable of streaming both request 
and response data (in full-duplex if desired) but you would lose convenience of 
InputStream/OutputStream APIs and would need to structure your application 
logic in terms of callback methods reacting to various events during HTTP 
message exchanges:


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