On Tue, 2018-07-24 at 20:50 +0530, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> I am on a Windows machine at work and am using HttpClient to make a
> request
> via a web proxy. But the problem is that I keep 407 Authentication
> required
> message.
> But if I do the same thing via the RestTemplate of Spring, which uses
> the
> vanilla java.net.URLConnection class, with supplying just the proxy
> address
> and port, it works fine. *It doesn't even need the user name and
> password
> for authentication. *
> Why does this work? Why does HttpClient fail?
> Doing some digging into the source I made out that HttpClient first
> opens a
> socket to the required address and then reads and writes from that
> socket.
> AFAIK, java.net.URLConnection does not do that.
> So my question is what does java.net.URLConnection do differently?
> What is
> the difference between opening a socket.
> Also how do I make HttpClient behave like  java.net.URLConnection so
> that I
> can avoid the error.
> Clearly  java.net.URLConnection  is doing something right.

Right or wrong, it uses Windows platform specific authentication code.
HttpClient supports native Windows authentication when running on
Windows family of OSes



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