On Wed, 2019-05-08 at 19:24 +0200, Joan grupoventus wrote:
> Hello,
> We are having the following issue. Before going deeper (traces, etc)
> we would like to explain what we are seeing:
> HttpClient5 beta4 and HttpCore beta7 using an AsyncResponseConsumer.
> Requesting, via GET method, an image to an api: 
> AsyncResponseConsumer consumeResponse method called correctly, and
> getting a null EntityDetails
> At this point the thread gets stucked, streamEnd and failed methods
> are never called, and the thread is released when the container
> asynchronous timeout is reached.
> With the asynClient 4.1.3 this works, the
> HttpAsyncResponseConsumer.responseReceived and responseCompleted
> methods are called and the application reports a response with
> content-length = 0.
> Must anything special be done when an
> AsyncResponseConsumer.consumeResponse method receives a null
> EntityDetails?

No, there must not. However in case of null entity methods
#updateCapacity, #consume and #streamEnd will never fire as there is no
data stream associated with the response message.

Take a look at AbstractAsyncResponseConsumer as an example of response
message processing, including those without an enclosed entity. 


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