
I'm using 4.5.12.

I'm trying to reproduce a problem where it appears we're creating a lot more 
new backend connections than we expect even though incoming request volume 
stays about the same.

I have max per route set to 5 and have confirmed with enabling debug on 
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager that the max is in fact 5.  There is only 
one route.

The TTL is set to 2 minutes and that also seems to work as advertised.  AFAIK 
the backend does not close connections by sending "connection: close" or any 
other means, though that's not 100% confirmed.

Taking a guess that connect or read timeouts could cause a connection to get 
closed (and a new one opened,) I added artificial latency to the backend 
responses to trigger timeouts.  That did cause the connection creation rate to 
rise above the steady state.  However it also appears to have caused more than 
5 connections to be in an "established" state at once according to netstat.  It 
wasn't unusual to see 2-3x as many established connections.  Because of the 
primitive way I'm counting open connections, the actual connection creation 
rate could be even higher.

I'm looking for suggestions on what could cause:

  *   Increased connection creation rate
  *   Established connection counts higher than the pool size


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