On Oct 7, 2009, at 8:04 AM, Lukáš Jirkovský <l.jirkov...@gmail.com>  

> Hello,
> I've got a quite sound idea. Just "to put a bug in your head" (czech
> saying) – to make you think about it. There are numerous bug reports
> which are caused by using some "forbidden" characters inside makefile
> (and some strange bugs too). Sometimes they can be escaped but
> sometimes it doesn't help or it breaks something.
> I can imagine using something different instead of makefile. My first
> thoughts were about using some dynamic language like python or perl
> but I rejected these thoughts immediately. They would brink need to
> distribute python/perl/whatever with hugin. So this is no way. They're
> too big.
> What I think may be quite nice way to store necessary data is the XML.
> Although I'm not a huge XML fan (in fact I think it's overused) it
> could bring some improvements to the current workflow. I've two ideas
> how it could help. First it wouldn't break just because someone used =
> (or so) in file name. Second it would allow to create better
> structured files which would be more readable especially when working
> with stacks. However it has it's culprits eg someone would have to
> write some parser which would process this kind of files. The other
> problem is backward-compatibility.
> Let the discussion begin.
> regards,
> Lukáš

Hello Lukas,

I have long since considered something similar to this.  I had a draft  
email that I never sent to this list that outlined my thoughts but I  
never fully developed it.

I would like to see the pto files be replaces by some other persitent  
file format.  I had considered XML at the time as I find it easy to  
read and extend as more data is needed to be stored. (people always  
seem to be able to come up with different things for hugin to do.)   
Hugin would load up the project from this new file and then  
export .pto files along with some sort of platform specific script  
file (bat on windows, shell scripts on Linux/mac os x). The script  
file generation would be handled by a generic interface  calling the  
platform specifc script generators as necessary. In the end, only one  
file would be necessary to be retained along with the images: the  
original file.

I am a fan of python but it is probably overkill for the sequence of  
commands that would need to be executed.

  I hadn't considered reusing the same code to generate a cli tool  
that would parse the XML and execute the commands directly.  That  
would be cool....

I'll try to post more later.


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