Yuval Levy wrote:

> > Apparently autopano-sift found control points on 
> > non-overlapping images: Lots of same looking lego blocks.
> how do other tools available to you deal with the same set of images?

Panomatic runs about the same time as autopano-sift and finds about the 
same amount of wrong points. Jenny Autopano 1.03 works about 2 minutes 
and finds no wrong points. hugin however doesn't choose the right 
orientation, the anchor image needs to be rotated manually by 90°. After 
that hugin optimizes an almost perfect panorama (very slightly curved up 
compared to PTGui) - may be due to CPs clustered in the middle of the 
overlap (possibly other autopano parameters might change this).

PTGui "Align images" on assistant tab takes roughly 2 minutes to align 
the images perfectly - correct orientation, straightened panorama 
pitched down the correct amount, no control points between non-adjacent 

best regards
Erik Krause

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