Yuval Levy wrote:
Hi all. Thank you for the feedback. *Keep it coming*. I want to hear more opinions about Hg. In the meantime, a few notes, trying not to advocate the change, just addressing points raised and acknowledging that more discussion and experimentation are needed on both sides of the argument.

Hi Yuv

I have more experience with git, but hg is probably just as good, perhaps easier to use if I understand correctly.

I think it will be great for hugin to use a distributed versioning system, centralised systems are much less suitable for open source projects I think. (And if you want centralised, it can be done using git/Hg as well).

for git you can read a pretty good book online http://progit.org

One thing that git can do much cheaper than subversion is to make branches. This does affect the workflow of the project and this is something you need to define before getting too deep into it. In the progit.org book (you can buy it on dead trees as well), a chapter is dedicated to the workflow possibilities, this is a good read to get started (doesn't matter if you choose Hg or git)



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