On Sep 25, 4:23 am, Matthew Petroff <matt...@mpetroff.net> wrote:
> Here is a new installer based on the latest 
> script:http://www.box.net/shared/hnf7vgtjp2
> All of the control point generators should install properly now.

The downloading of the CPGs is now correct, but I'm sorry to say:
their intarface with hugin is still partly flawed. And there are still
some bits missing.

I have installed hugin with your new installer, and I think you
haven't taken into account the point I have made previously about
autopano.exe. Please note that there are two different programs which
both use this name and are totally incompatible, as far as their
command lines are concerned.

The first one is autopano by A. Jenny. This is the one which your
installer installs as autopano.exe. It takes command line arguments
with leading slashes, and a valid set of arguments line [from the
hugin CPG settings dialog] looks something like

/allinone /path:%d /keys:%p /project:oto /name:%o /size:1024 /f %i

you use this command line in the 'autopano 103' settings. Quite
rightly this CPG is labeled as being of type 'autopano (by A. Jenny)'

The second one is autopano by S. Nowozin. your installer does not
install this one. I have a version 2.5.2 from a previous install; I'm
not entirely certain which installer installed it, because the newest
I can find on Nowozins web page is 2.3 or 2.4. This program takes
command line parameters with leading minusses, a valid command line
[from the hugin CPG settings dialog] looks like

autopano --maxmatches %p %o %k

and it is a different program altogether. It is used in the 'Autopano-
SIFT-C (multirow/stacked)' CPG setting as the second stage of the CPG
process. This two-stage-process also uses a program called
generatekeys.exe as it's first stage, which your installer does not
install, so the attempt to use 'Autopano-SIFT-C (multirow/stacked)'
fails for two reasons:

- generatekeys.exe is missing
- the wrong autopano.exe is called

> All of them work properly for me on a clean install except match-n-
> shift. When selected, hugin runs PTmender instead, but I can't figure
> out why.

If I understand match-n-shift correctly, it is a perl script which
combines several programs to achieve it's goal:

a) it calls PTmender to warp the images according to their projection
b) it calls generatekeys.exe to extract SIFT features from the warped
c) it uses autopano (by S. Nowozin, not A. Jenny) to create a pto

so the call to PTmender is only the first step. match-n-shift has to
have generatekeys.exe and autopano.exe (by S. Nowozin) present to

So match-n-shift cannot work if it does not have both generatekeys and
autopano (by S. Nowozin).

Since match-n-shift seems to have the calls to generatekeys and
autopano hardcoded, and 'Autopano-SIFT-C (multirow/stacked)' also uses
these two programs by these names, I think the easiest way out is to
give autopano by A. Jenny a different name (like
autopano_by_jenny.exe) - or put it into a subdirectory, and change the
settings for 'Autopano 103' to call this program.

To get 'Autopano-SIFT-C (multirow/stacked)' and 'Match-n-shift' to
work, you must also install generatekeys.exe and autopano.exe (by S.
Nowozin). This will involve an additional download, since Nowozin also
uses the SIFT algorithm (correct me if I'm wrong).

I hope this will sort out the CPG issues with your installer! Thanks
for caring about the Windows side of things, it's about time a recent
version of hugin becomes available to Windows users by a route they
feel comfortable with.

with regards

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