On September 24, 2010 10:44:21 am kfj wrote:
> I might consider downloading and installing and even registering MSVC
> since everyone tells me it's the standard thing to compile hugin with

don't give up.

*The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists 
in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the 
unreasonable man.* [0]

> I just worry! What if they change
> their license to something like 'all software you compile with our
> product is now our possession which you may only use until we forbid
> you to do so; if you link with our libs, you must pay license fees,
> etc. etc.' - or if the next version of it suddenly isn't free anymore?

Wow, another paranoid like me?  welcome to the club.  If you pursue this line 
of thinking to the end, you should have long abandoned Winows.  What if they 
change Window's license to something like the above extended to all documents, 
not just code?

Oh, and Intel could attach strings to its CPUs too, like some inkjet 
manufacturers are already doing (don't buy Lexmark, or infringe on the 
ridiculous conditions they attach to ink cartridges).

Don't worry, before we get there, something will happen.  Greedy industries 
should study carefully what happened to rail roads in the US in 1906.


[0] one of my favorites quotation ever, from George Bernard Shaw, although he 
is a socialist and I am everything but.

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