On 13 Okt., 21:23, Jan Martin <janmar...@diy-streetview.org> wrote:
> HI all,
> I have 8 images around with hfov of 50 degrees  and one fisheye with hfov
> with 120 degrees for the Zenith.
> So autopano-sift-c 2.5.2 fails, because it assumes all image
> - having the same hfov.
> - having the same projection.
> Any ideas which control point finder can handle this kind of scenario?

After watching this discussion for a while I decided to have a look at
your images. Are you serious? I'd say your problem is ill-posed. It
took me half an hour manually to make some sense out of your input.
Not only do you use three different lenses, but the EXIF data to make
sense of that are missing. The overlap between your sky shot and the
few images it overlaps with at all is minimal and often in areas with
repetetive structures, which are known to be hard for any detector.
Your images don't even cover the whole upper sphere of view, there are
big gaps. IMHO, no control point detector will make sense of a mess
like this. You can't fix every mistake you make as a photographer with
software. If you do a manual job on it and fill in the missing bits
with the clone tool, maybe you'll get something resembling an okay
panorama, but if I was you, I'd go and make a new set of photos. If
you have to do the manual job, use plenty of vertical control points.

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