Hugin !== Ubuntu or Kubuntu

Personally I like Mantis, have enjoyed using it, and it's very
successful for projects much larger than hugin.


On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 14:31 -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
> Hi all
> One thing that has been bugging (pun intended) me for a few years now is the 
> bug tracker.  Hugin has grown and IMHO the SourceForge bug tracker is now 
> inadequate for Hugin's needs.
> Our current stats:
> - Bugs 1115 total - 218 open
> - Feature Requests 240 total - 161 open
> - Patches 145 total - 12 open
> I've tried to make it work a few times, but I never managed to clean it up 
> completely or sorting out the bugs properly.  There is a lot of old cruft 
> that 
> never expires.
> So I looked for alternatives, and my recommendation is:  let's move on to 
> *Launchpad*.  It enables users to not only contribute bugs, but also to work 
> on their triaging and getting more involved.
> The criteria I used to evaluate the different bug trackers were:
> - search and scalability
> - ease of use
> - engaging interaction
> - ease of migrating the data in and out (we don't want walled gardens)
> I've considered other tools as well, but in the end Launchpad is IMHO the 
> best 
> zero-cost hosted solution available, and unlike with the repository change 
> earlier this year, definitely one step ahead of the competition.  It is used, 
> amongst others, by Inkscape [0].  The results they have achieved are 
> excellent 
> [1].
> With self-hosting (i.e. funding) I might have considered an alternative like 
> Roundup [2], used by the Python Foundation.  But (a) we don't have self 
> hosting and (b) the extra cost and effort does not justify the extra benefit 
> The people at Canonical have been very forthcoming.  I have exported the SF 
> bug tracker and they will import it to a staging version of Launchpad where 
> we 
> will get to play with it.  I am waiting for the URL where we can experiment 
> with the new bug tracker to see if it fits our needs [3].
> At the same time, I contacted the current owner of the unmaintained 
> Hugin/Ubuntu page on Launchpad [4].  He has moved on and offered to transfer 
> ownership.  I hope we can get the bugs to reside there so that we can 
> consolidate the efforts for official Ubuntu binaries with the effort for 
> better 
> bug tracking *for all platforms*.  Hugin will have a second home on 
> Launchpad.  
> Actually a third, if we consider that the mailing list is on GoogleGroups and 
> the code and website will stay on SourceForge.
> A few of the advantages of Launchpad:
> * bugs can be tagged, so they can belongs to more than just one category at 
> the same time, and can be easily searched
> * users can mark bugs that affect them, giving a signal to bug fixer where 
> the 
> most pain is felt
> * after a while, bugs expire automatically - let's face it, some issues just 
> don't attract enough attention and having them clutter the bug tracker is 
> counter-productive
> * once we have a staging version of the tracker, I will ask *you* to play 
> with 
> it.  Judge the responsiveness of the interface, the ease of use.  Try to file 
> a 
> bug report.  See how it behaves.
> * if there is no opposition within the next 2-3 weeks,  I will freeze the 
> current bug tracker and start the final export/import.  We're likely to have 
> an 
> interruption of a couple of days between export and import.
> * once the new bug tracker is active, users are invited to help triage the 
> bugs, freeing developers to actually fix those that have been triaged 
> properly.
> I hope we can achieve similar results as Inkscape [5].  Hugin has outgrown 
> the 
> SF bug tracker.  There is plenty of room to grow further on Launchpad.
> Yuv
> [0] <>
> [1] <>
> [2] <>
> [3] <>
> [4] <>
> [5] <>

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