fwiw, i'm getting thread destroyed while using cpfind as well.  More 
interestingly, using the gui, and the image tab, "create control points' you 
can see it's finding cp points and then when it's finished it quits, dumps out 
a message 0 control points found.

From: janmar...@diy-streetview.org
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 15:29:46 +0100
Subject: Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: cpfind rocks!
To: hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com

This is what I get on Ubuntu 10.4.

hugin -> Help -> About -> System:
Operating System: Linux 2.6.32-27-generic i686
Architecture: 32 bit
Free memory: -1740888 kiB

Version: 2010.5.0.8d6319da53fc

Path to ressources: /usr/share/hugin/xrc/
Path to data: /usr/share/hugin/data/

me@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -S bin/cpfind
hugin-tools: /usr/bin/cpfind

me@ubuntu:~$ cpfind
ThreadQueue created

Hugins cpfind 2010.5.0.8d6319da53fc
based on Pan-o-matic by Anael Orlinski

Parse error:  
             One or more required arguments missing!

Basic usage : 
  cpfind -o output_project project.pto

  cpfind -k i0 -k i1 ... -k in project.pto
  cpfind --kall project.pto

All options : 
--celesteRadius <int>         Radius for celeste (default 20)
--celesteThreshold <double>   Threshold for celeste (default 0.5)

--celeste                     Run celeste after loading images
-p <string>,  --keypath <string>
                              Path to cache keyfiles
--clean                       Clean up cached keyfiles

-c,  --cache                  Caches keypoints to external file
--kall                        Write keyfiles for all images
-k <int>,  --writekeyfile <int>  (accepted multiple times)
                              Write a keyfile for this image number

-o <string>,  --output <string>
                              Output file
-n <int>,  --ncores <int>     Number of CPU/Cores    (default:autodetect)
-t,  --test                   Enables test mode

--fullscale                   Uses full scale image to detect keypoints    

--sieve1width <int>           Sieve 1 : Number of buckets on width    (default 
: 10)
--sieve1height <int>          Sieve 1 : Number of buckets on height    (default 
: 10)

--sieve1size <int>            Sieve 1 : Max points per bucket    (default : 30)

--kdtreesteps <int>           KDTree : search steps    (default : 40)
--kdtreeseconddist <double>   KDTree : distance of 2nd match    (default : 0.15)

--multirow                    Enable heuristic multi row matching (default: off)
--linearmatch                 Enable linear images matching (default : all 
--linearmatchlen <int>        Number of images to match in linear matching 

--minmatches <int>            Minimum matches    (default : 4)
--ransaciter <int>            Ransac : iterations    (default : 1000)
--ransacdist <int>            Ransac : homography estimation distance threshold 

                                  (default : 25)
--sieve2width <int>           Sieve 2 : Number of buckets on width    (default 
: 5)
--sieve2height <int>          Sieve 2 : Number of buckets on height    (default 
: 5)

--sieve2size <int>            Sieve 2 : Max points per bucket    (default : 2)

--,  --ignore_rest            Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments 
following this flag.
--version                     Displays version information and exits.

-h,  --help                   Displays usage information and exits.
<string>                      (required)  Input Project File
ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads...
Reference thread created.
1 reference-thread added.

Thread destroyed.
1 reference-thread reclaimed.
ThreadQueue destroyed

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Andreas Metzler <ametz...@downhill.at.eu.org> 

Russ <russ.moerl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just updated this package on Ubuntu 10.10 and was a bit dismayed

> when I couldn't really find cpfind easily.  It wasn't in the dropdown

> selector for cp detector, and going into the preferences menu I was

> lost in trying to figure out how to add it.  In reading Terry's

> comment I removed the .hugin file from my home directory and things

> are better now.


Doesn't Ubuntu install apt-listchanges by default? I would strongly

recommend to install it and set it up to only show NEWS files.

It would have shown this upon upgrading to hugin 2010.4.0:


hugin (2010.4.0+dfsg~beta1-1) experimental; urgency=low

  Starting with 2010.4.0 the hugin suite of program also includes a

  (patent-free) control-point detector. autopano-sift(-c) et al are not

  necessary/nice to have anymore.

  If hugin does not offer cpfind as control-point detector after

  ugrading to 2010.4.0, please open the respective configuration dialogue

  (File->Preferences->Control-Point-Detectors) and use the [Load Defaults]

  button to update the list.


cu andreas


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