Earlier when I posted my many screenshot links about CPFind and it's
failure on my system, I also was using a *.pts as a base.  However it
was a *.pts file I'd generated from Autopano Pro rather than PTGui it

When I attempted the pano with Hugin directly with CPFind itself, it did
not fail, however, the photos were a jumbled ...


On Sun, 2011-01-16 at 22:48 +0000, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Sun 16-Jan-2011 at 14:37 -0800, Tom Sharpless wrote:
> >On Jan 12, 1:35 pm, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hugin can import ptgui .pts files and save them as Hugin .pto
> >> projects, though if you have any cropped photos in the project you
> >> will need to fiddle with the crop and reoptimise.
> >When I give it a PTS file from PTGui 9, my copy of 2010.2 (Win32)
> >displays the lens type and number of control points, then crashes
> >(loops forever)  apparently while trying to load images.  My guess it
> >that this has to do with PTGui's "dummy image", that is used as a
> >reference for common parameters, but has no file name.
> I don't have PTGui, but I have seen recent reports that this 
> function still works.  The dummy image always existed in PTGui .pts 
> projects, so this isn't likely to be the cause of the problem.
> If you have some .pts files that fail then it would useful to attach 
> them to a bug report in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin
> -- 
> Bruno

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