On Fri 04-Feb-2011 at 16:36 +0100, David Haberthür wrote:
On 01.02.2011, at 15:59, Jeffrey Martin wrote:

> i agree about raw input / dng output - it's no business of > hugin.
> what about PSB output?

In the end I also agree about the RAW input, it's best left to other software.

There would only be an advantage with being able to open RAW files if Hugin also outputted a RAW file (e.g. DNG). With this Hugin wouldn't need any of the GUI complication of a RAW converter, and users could do all the photo 'developing' after stitching instead of before.

An alternative workflow that was suggested by one of the rawstudio developers would be to convert the RAW shots to 16bit Prophoto RGB TIFF using rawstudio (without any adjustments), stitch with Hugin to 16bit TIFF, and then load the result into rawstudio to make adjustments and finish it off - I'm not sure how near we are to being able to do this.

Why would PSB (a quick google detour hinted it's PhotoShop) be desired? Is a layered TIFF not something you can import into PhotoShop? Do you have any idea if there are (free/libre) libraries that can write according to Adobes Specifications? http://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/photoshop/fileformatashtml/

This is an interesting development, previously Adobe only let you see the PSD/PSB spec if you faxed them promising never to reveal any details (i.e. you were not allowed to use it in Open Source software).

Someone needs to start a free 'libpsb' before we can use it in Hugin, but I guess this itself could be a SoC project.


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