On May 26, 2011 04:16:26 PM Jan Martin wrote:
> I never understood why one cannot have a way to tell hugin that there are
> x images around
> y images up, y1 degrees
> z images down, z 1 degrees

1. nobody has been bothered enough to do it;
2. there are too many special cases and exceptions to the regular shooting 
3. programmers are lazy and prefer a program that does it for them;  
4. technology has moved forward and made such a feature less desirable (or 
even obsolete in the opinion of some - not IMHO).

Current status of the technology is that using cpfind with the multi-row 
strategy will solve this for most use cases, and because of reason (3) most 
programmers will consider the multi-row strategy approach to be superior to 
the approach of user entry.

Indeed it works for many (most?) cases and I also think it is superior, when 
it works.  I would like to have the alternative of manual entry, but the devil 
is in the detail:
* is the shooting clockwise or counterclockwise?
* top to bottom or bottom to top?
* do really all rows have the same number of shots?  in some projects yes, in 
others not (zenith and nadir are technically rows with a single shot)
* how to deal with trigger errors (duplicates / extra shots)?

all of this calls for a nice canvas on which the user can lay out rows and 
columns, giving the yaw/pitch stepping for the application to sort the 
sequence of images into this calculated grid and letting the user drag / drop 
the exceptions until happy and before feeding into the CP generator.

Too much work for a programmer.  The multi-row strategy takes care of this 
most (but not all) of the times.

In the past there was a similar situation with HDR stacks.  Tim hacked a 
manual interface for it [0].  And yet it did not make it into Hugin.  Instead 
James' new layout GSoC 2008 project introduced the concept of stacks into the 
software, making the "facilitated manual work" redundant.

> Please tell when I am totally wrong.

You are not totally wrong.  You are describing a "facilitated manual work" 
strategy, where effort is put into designing an interface that makes it easy 
for the user to generate an initial distribution, which in turn makes it easy 
for the CP generator to do its work on the pre-distributed images.

The bad news is that programmers are more attracted by "no manual work" 
strategies, and the multi-row option in cpfind is just that.

The good news is that with the Python scripting every user will have the 
opportunity to script the feature you are asking for.


[0] http://ultrawide.wordpress.com/2008/11/16/hacking-hugin-part-1/

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