Hi Mick,

> 2: Is there a way to tell Hugin that certain images 'belong' in a series,
> by specifying some kind og gris or Matrix with the file names listed, and
> to simply blend in those images with no detail anyway?

with the version from the repository there is something similar

1.) First create new project (Hugin or pto_gen).
2.) Then set initial rough positions of all images (can be done with
Hugin or easier with pto_var --set or pto_var --set-from-file)
3.) Then run cpfind --prealigned to only match overlapping images.
4.) After this run geocpset to connect all orphaned images with the
rest (The additional control points should connect the orphaned images
with no features with the already connected images. The cp will not be
perfect, but they should help to keep the images in position.)
5.) Optimize as usual
6.) Stitch as usual


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