Can you clarify some points.  (I'm partially asking in case this helps 
someone else give you a better answer, but also because I also want to do 
some dynamic range things better in hugin than I currently know how to, so 
I think your clearer question might draw out a better answer for me).

Your starting point has "great dynamic range".  Does that mean the starting 
point has enough extra bits (beyond the basic 8 per channel) to directly 
represent that dynamic range?  Does it mean the multiple images have many 
different exposures (multiple per stack and/or each appropriate to the 
brightness of its own content)?  Or both extra bits and varying exposure?

Your "output does not".  What output?  From doing what to the input 
images?  And is that 8 bit or 16 bit output?

How do you hope to represent high dynamic range in the final result?

Do you want to stay in 16 bit (so depend on that to have enough range *and 
on the viewing tool to convert that range usefully to display range when 

Do you want to do mask adjustments to brightness after stitching (I want to 
and don't yet know how to put that whole work flow together) so the final 
image is "dishonest" in showing the brighter parts of dark areas as 
brighter than the darker parts of bright areas, even though the real world 
scene had those dark parts of bright areas brighter than bright parts of 
dark areas?

Do you want to find a good non linear mapping from 16 bit to 8 bit 
(probably after stitching) to provide a more "honest" image:  So brighter 
pixels in the true scene are consistently brighter in the result than less 
bright pixels from the scene?  In other words global scaling to make the 
original dynamic range more visible in the result without being supported 
by the display hardware.

Do you want to mainly defeat hugin's automatic exposure correction.  So far 
as I understand, hugin generally tries to change all the images to what 
they would have been if they had all been taken at the same exposure.  I 
almost never want that and don't have a good understanding of what is 
involved in preventing it.  The boundaries become harder to deal with if 
that feature is disabled.  Blending an overlap where the two images have 
different exposures of the same content and you haven't permitted an 
exposure correction, can cause a very ugly blend operation.  But the 
original exposures are often different for good reason and "correcting" 
that is uglier than dealing with the more difficult blend.  Not correcting 
it and successfully blending gives roughly the same kind of "dishonest" 
image (that I want but don't know whether you do) as the mask based final 
adjustment would, but unlike those doesn't even depend on 16 bits being 
enough to allow undoing the harm of automatic exposure correction.

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