Dear friends,
There is an urgent appeal from the provisional committee of the Maruti Suzuki 
Workers'Union to reach Kaithal by 10.30 in the morning. It is a very tense 
situation there just now.
Some of us from PUDR are reaching there, The 2 mails below will explain the 
drastic measures being taken by the Haryana government to put an end to the 
ongoing protest of the workers and the planned gherao of the Industries 
Ministers. All kind of support are welcome from your presence at the site to  
media publicity, letters to CM, legal support, donations or any expression of 
In solidarity,Ranjana

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: maruti worker <>

Date: Sun, May 19, 2013 at 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: Join GHERAO of Industries Minister residence on 19th May in 
Kaithal, Haryana! Down with coercion and repression by State to protect the 
company's interests!
To: maruti worker <>

Around 120-50 Maruti Suzuki workers present in the
dharna site in Kaithal tonight, have been picked up by the Haryana Police 
around 11.30 pm. We were preparing for the demonstration call for tomorrow, 
19th May 2013 in Kaithal, where thousands of people from
across Haryana are to come in solidarity. This is after the declaration of the
Mahapanchayat organized by MSWU on 8th 2013 May where over 2000 people came.


Section 144 has been clamped on the entire town of
Kaithal, the dist HQ of Kaithal dist, Haryana from 5pm today till 12o'clock
midnight tomorrow. Around 1500 additional police force with tear gas etc. have 
already been stationed here.

The funds to 84 sarpanch of village panchayat was
declared by the district adminsitartion , Kaithal to be stopped. The village
panchayats and local pro-worker struggle leaders have been receiving personal
threat calls from the Industrial Minister, Haryana against joining our struggle.


We call upon all to come in solidarity. The program tomorrow will go ahead as 
scheduled from 11am, as people from across the State have already started 
coming to the dharna site.



On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 9:42 PM, maruti worker <> 


no. 1923



Ref. No. …      
      Date: 18 May 2013


appeal to all workers, workers and peasant organisations, trade unions and
democratic forces and individuals to JOIN us in Kaithal at 11am on 19th May
2013, on our call to GHERAO of the residence of Industries
Minister, Haryana, Randip Singh Surjewala.

On 8th May, the Mahapanchayat in
Kaithal, which saw solidarity participation of more than 2000 people from
across the state and country, gave an ultimatum to the Government of Haryana of
10 days from that date to heed to the demands of our struggle. 19th May
will be the 57th day of the continuing dharna from
24 March 2013, throughout which we have only peacefully exercised our 
democratic right
to protest (we were not allowed to even do a dharna in Gurgaon or Manesar). 
This included an 8-day fast-unto-death which we halted
temporarily only after the assurance of the Chief Minister, Bhupiner Hooda that
the government will favourably look into the demands and negotiation with the
company restarted.

But the government has exposed
itself by again paying scant regard to any of our demands. It has instead
stepped up coercion on those who have come in our solidarity. The
grants to 84 Village Panchayat sarpanch from across Haryana who came out in
solidarity on 8th May in Kaithal have been stopped and they have been
blacklisted for support to 'anti-government activities'. Besides this, in an 
effort to stop our call
for demonstration tomorrow, Section 144 has been slapped from 5pm on 18th
May to continue till night 12 o'clock on 19th May, and hundreds of police in
battle-gear and tear-gas have been posted threateningly next to the site of the


The government and its
state administration has become pro-active to this degree to crush our struggle
even after 10 months, when we fight for our legitimate demands of release of
the jailed 147 workers, stop to police persecution and reinstatement
of the terminated 546 permanent and 1800 contract workers. What it fears is the
uncomfortable questions we have put before it, from our experience, that the
scenario of decent employment is bleak and that the present model of
development is essentially anti-worker and anti-people. Even as the government
is supposed to represent our interests, what is fears is the unity of permanent
and contract workers, the unity of common toiling people who have seen through
its naked collusion with exploitative companies at the cost of our livelihood
and dignity. And so throughout the phase of our struggle against the
exploitation by the Maruti Suzuki company, we have continuously at all
instances found the state administration and our elected representatives to
bend over backwards to please the company management, and do all it could to
repress our voices for justice.


JOIN us on 19th May 2013
at Kaithal to raise our voice against the exploitation by the Maruti Suzuki
company and the open support that the Government of Haryana lends it, and
demand immediate release of all 147 jailed workers, withdrawal of
false non-bailable arrest warrants against 66 workers and all other fabricated
cases, reinstatement of 546 permanent and 1800 contract workers, independent
impartial enquiry into the incident of 18th July 2012.



Revolutionary Greetings

Provisional Working Committee




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