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 Osama bin Laden was kicking around some rubble left
over from the latest bombing, and found a copper jug
with a wax plug. He pried it loose and out popped a
female genie; "How may I serve you, Master?" she inquired.

Osama was not impressed. "Don't need anything from
an (expurgated) female!" he said, churlishly.

"But. Master, I MUST do SOMETHING for you, or I have
to go back into confinement! Please! Isn't there
anything I can get you?"

"All right!" snapped Osama churlishly, "Tomorrow
morning, I want to find three American Women in bed
with me, ready to do what they do best! Now, get

"Your wish is my command!" said the genie (miffed),
and vanished.

The next morning when Osama woke up, he had Lorena
Bobbit, Tonya Harding, and Hillary Clinton in bed
with him; his penis was gone, his leg was broken, and
he had no Medical Insurance.


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