On Sep 15, 2009, at 2:07 AM, Brice Goglin wrote:

I just gave a deep look and fixed several minor things in the API. The
biggest thing I am not sure about is:
We currently have several functions that may find something by type or
by depth (for instance the number of objects, the n-th one, the next
one, ...). These functions are currently named
"hwloc_get_foo_by_depth(..., depth)" if looking by depth and
"hwloc_get_foo(..., type)" if by type. The latter may fail if there are
multiple levels with same types (e.g. Caches), the former always work
(unless depth is invalid). Should we keep these function name patterns
or change them to something else? like _by_depth/_by_type or

I prefer being explicit -- so _by_type / _by_depth.  My $0.02.

Also, make distcheck currently fails here. It looks for index.html
inside the build dir while it should look inside the source dir.
However, it seems that it correctly looks inside the source dir when
building outside of make distcheck. Don't know what's going on...

I'm unable to recreate this. Can you give me a recipe to recreate this problem?

Jeff Squyres

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