Jeff Squyres, le Thu 29 Oct 2009 08:32:09 -0400, a écrit :
> I think there's 3 cases:
> 1. If I specify STRICT, then I would expect strict binding to occur,  
> or the function fail if the OS can't deliver it.  I think we agree on  
> this case.
> 2. If I specify LOOSE (or whatever the opposite of STRICT is -- and I  
> see there's currently no flag for that), then I think you get whatever  
> the OS gives you -- even if it happens to be strict.  I.e., strict is  
> a subset of loose.  We might agree on this case, too...?
> 3. If I don't specify anything, I think this is an open question as to  
> what happens here.  I'd be in favor of making LOOSE be the default.   

That is what hwloc already does.

> What I'm not in favor of is having it try STRICT and if that fails,  
> try LOOSE.  It feels to me like if the user wants STRICT, they should  
> try it.  And if it fails, they should be notified of that (through the  
> function failing) and then they can choose how to react.

Ok, I just wanted to save the programmer the retry step.


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