Looks good to me, too.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Brice Goglin wrote:

> I am working on a prototype implementation for agregating multiple node
> topologies into a single global one. I was initially thinking of doing a
>    int hwloc_topology_insert_from_xml(newtopology, newparent, xmlsrc)
> but it would require non-trivial changes to the core without being very
> generic. So I came with the following solution:
>    int hwloc_topology_insert_topology(newtopology, newparent, oldtopology);
> The advantage is that you can insert topologies from wherever you want:
> existing topology in memory, xml buffer, xml file, synthetic, ... You
> just need the corresponding topology object.
> hwloc_topology_insert_topology() just duplicates the existing topo
> inside another one under the "newparent" object.
> The drawback is that it's slower because you load the topology once and
> then duplicate it into the other one. But I don't expect topology
> agregation to be performance critical so it should be OK.
> Here's an example that already works in my tree after fixing a couple
> things in the core:
>  hwloc_topology_t local, global;
>  hwloc_obj_t sw1, sw2, root;
>  printf("Loading the local topology...\n");
>  hwloc_topology_init(&local);
>  hwloc_topology_load(local);
>  printf("Creating a custom topology...\n");
>  hwloc_topology_init(&global);
>  hwloc_topology_set_custom(global);
>  printf("Inserting the local topology into the global one...\n");
>  root = hwloc_get_root_obj(global);
>  sw1 = hwloc_topology_insert_misc_object_by_parent(global, root, "Switch");
>  hwloc_topology_insert_topology(global, sw1, local);
>  hwloc_topology_insert_topology(global, sw1, local);
>  sw2 = hwloc_topology_insert_misc_object_by_parent(global, root, "Switch");
>  hwloc_topology_insert_topology(global, sw2, local);
>  hwloc_topology_insert_topology(global, sw2, local);
>  hwloc_topology_destroy(local);
>  printf("Building the global topology...\n");
>  hwloc_topology_load(global);
>  hwloc_topology_export_xml(global, "foo.xml");
>  hwloc_topology_destroy(global);
> Guess what: lstopo -i foo.xml shows one System object above two Misc
> objects (representing switches) above four identical machines.
> hwloc_topology_set_custom() initializes my new "custom" backend. It
> basically means that I am going to insert Misc objects and/or topologies
> that hwloc_topology_load() will just have to connect together later.
> Brice
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Jeff Squyres
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