Let's discuss some rules for commit messages. I used svn propedit often
in the past, that's not possible anymore once pushed to the main git repo.

1) Obviously we should follow the commit log convention:

one short line description (less than 80 chars)
<blank line>
full description

2) When backporting patches between public branches, use git cherry-pick
*-x* so that the old commit ID is recorded is the new commit log. If
you're working in your private branches, this may not be needed (if the
old commit ID may change before you actually push it).

3) Configure your username and email properly before commtting.

git config user.email <foo@bar>
git config user.name "First Last"

This goes into .git/config. Add --global to make these global for all
your git repos (goes into ~/.gitconfig)

What else?


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