
Brock Palen, le Sat 23 Jan 2010 13:51:09 -0500, a écrit :
> System(7870MB)
>   Node#0(3906MB) + Socket#0
>     L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#0 + P#0
>     L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#1 + P#1
>   Node#1(4040MB) + Socket#1
>     L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#0 + P#2
>     L2(1024KB) + L1(1024KB) + Core#1 + P#3
> If I am reading the AMD docs right, the L1 cache for each core should  
> be smaller, and in two parts, (data and instruction cache)
> Also appears that L2 should be shared, as far as I can tell, it is not  
> shared in this case.
> Am I looking at this wrong?

No, that's the right interpretation of lstopo's output.

However, the bug probably lies into your kernel's code. Could you check 




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